#NEC, #NL8060BC31_09, #LCD_Display, #LCD, NL8060BC31-09 NLT 12.1 inch LCM 800×600 90 150:1 50/50/20/40 262K CCFL TTL
The model number P/NNL8060BC31-09:
Diagonal Size: 12.1 inches
Panel Type: a-Si TFT-LCD, LCM
Resolution: 800 (RGB) × 600 pixels, SVGA
Pixel Density: 82 pixels per inch (PPI)
Pixel Format: RGB Vertical Stripe
Active Area: 246 mm (width) × 184.5 mm (height)
Bezel Opening: Not specified
Outline Dimensions: 275 mm (width) × 199 mm (height)
Luminance: 90 cd/m² (Typical)
Contrast Ratio: 150:1 (Typical)
Viewing Angles: 50 degrees (left), 50 degrees (right), 20 degrees (up), 40 degrees (down) with a contrast ratio of ≥10
Response Time: 40 milliseconds (Maximum) for Tr+Td (Tr/Td)
View Direction: 6 o'clock
Operating Mode: TN (Twisted Nematic), Normally White, Transmissive
Support Color: 262,000 colors, 42% NTSC
Light Source: 1 piece CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp), Without Driver
Weight: 515 grams (Maximum)
Designed For: Industrial applications
Frame Rate:
120Hz (with 60Hz input and embedded MEMC Circuit)
120Hz + 120Hz (120Hz Panel + 120Hz Backlight)
240Hz (with 60Hz input and embedded MEMC Circuit)
Interface Type: Parallel RGB, 1 channel, 6-bit, 41-pin connector
Power Supply: 3.3/5.0V (Typical) (VCC)
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C
Storage Temperature: -20 to 60°C