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Samsung to invest $230bn in ICs

Posted on: 03/15/2023

“The economic battlefield, which recently began with chips, has expanded, countries are providing large-scale subsidies and tax support,” said President Yoon Suk Yeol earlier today, “we must support private investments to ensure further growth. The government must provide location, R&D, manpower, and tax support.”

The Korean government’s  strategy aims to raise theSamsung to invest $230bn in ICs tax deduction rate for facility investments in chips and other strategic technologies from 8% to 15%.

Samsung’s plans include five more fabs.

The government will provide $20 billion for R&D over five years, $276 billion  to develop chip packaging, and $77 billion  in electricity and water infrastructure for industry.

Samsung  plans to invest $46 billion in the next 10 years in regions outside Seoul to develop chip packaging, displays and battery technology.

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