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I believe that all people seeking knowledge should have the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of who they are or where they live. A value that I hold is that if you know something, you have the responsibility to teach it. Living to this value does not require you to be the best teacher […]
Developers face more challenges than ever before, designing complex software for a range of products, often with different processors. NXP’s MCUXpresso Developer Experience solves many of these challenges with a common framework across MCU platforms. NXP is expanding this to include wireless connectivity with our new Wireless FRDM boards. The FRDM-RW612 and FRDM-MCXW71 boards, shown […]
NXP extends its portfolio of MCX microcontrollers with the release of the MCX C Series. MCX C’s low-cost design, energy-efficient performance and robust features enhance the overall MCX portfolio. Arm® Cortex®-Based, Cost Effective and Energy Efficient Building off NXP’s strong MCU legacy with a bold vision for the future, we are proud to launch the […]
NXP extends its portfolio of MCX microcontrollers with the release of the MCX C Series. MCX C’s low-cost design, energy-efficient performance and robust features enhance the overall MCX portfolio. Arm® Cortex®-Based, Cost Effective and Energy Efficient Building off NXP’s strong MCU legacy with a bold vision for the future, we are proud to launch the […]
The clinical benchtop centrifuge is the work horse in the clinical diagnostics laboratory. Like many other industrial and medical technologies, the centrifuge is an often-unseen player in the chain of tools needed to keep everyone safer and healthier. Drucker Diagnostics is a leader in the design and production of clinical benchtop centrifuges located in central […]
M270HW02 V2 AUO 27 inch LCM 1920×1080 300 5000:1 89/89/89/89 16.7M WLED LVDS
As we move toward energy-saving societies to reinforce the sustainability of our global environment, the digitalization of conventional systems, as well as lower power operation at the endpoint are fundamental requirements to realize. When endpoint systems are digitalized, it is possible to analyze an individual system status seamlessly for further energy-efficient, streamlined system operation while […]
MV270FHM-N20 BOE 27 inch LCM 1920×1080 300 1000:1 89/89/89/89 16.7M WLED LVDS
AA121XH01 Mitsubishi 12.1 inch LCM 1024×768 320 550:1 65/65/45/75 262K CCFL LVDS
LQ121S1LG55 SHARP a-Si TFT-LCD 12.1 inch 800×600 330 nit 450:1 (Typ.) 16.2M color 60Hz CCFL LVDS (1 ch 8-bit);