Sell TMA166G-L, #Sanken #TMA166G-L Stock, TMA166G-L SanKen 600V 16A, TO-220 3PIN, #IGBT_Module, #IGBT, #TMA166G_L
In comparison with other products on the market, the TMA16xP series provides greater peak nonrepetitive off-state voltage, VDsM (700 V). In addition, commutation dv/dt and (dv/dt)c are improved.
- Residential and commercial appliances: vacuum cleaners, rice cookers, TVs, home entertainment
- White goods: washing machines
- Office automation power control, photocopiers
- Motor control for small tools
- Temperature control, light dimmers, electric blankets
- General use switching mode power supplies (SMPS)
Features and Benefits:
- Exceptional reliability
- Small fully-molded SIP package with heatsink mounting for high thermal dissipation and long life
- VDRM of 400~600V
- 16 ARMS on-state current
- Uniform switching
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
- Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage VDRM 400V
- Peak Non-Repetitive Off-State Voltage VDSM 500V
- RMS On-State Current IT(RMS) 16A
- Surge On-State Current ITSM Full cycle sine wave, peak value, non-repetitive, initial TJ = 125°C 190A
- Peak Gate Current IGM 2A
- Isolation Voltage VISO AC RMS applied for 1 minute between lead and case 2000V
- Peak Gate Power Dissipation PGM 5W
- Package Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) For AC 1.6°C/W
- Junction Temperature TJ -40~125ºC
- Storage Temperature Tstg-40~125ºC
- Off-State Leakage Current IDRM 100 μA
- Gate Trigger Voltage VGT 1.5V
- Gate Trigger Current IGT 30 mA
- Gate Non-trigger Voltage 0.2V