#Infineon, #TT215N22KOF12M1, #IGBT_Module, #IGBT, TT215N22KOF12M1 Infineon Netz-Thyristor-Modul Phase Control Thyristor Module 2200V 215A
Maximum ratings and characteristics
.Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless without specified)
Collector-Emitter voltage Vces:2200V
Gate-Emitter voltage VGES:±20V
Collector current Ic Continuous Tc=25°C :215A
Collector current Icp 1ms Tc=25°C :410A
Collector power dissipation Pc:140W
Operating junction temperature Tj:+130°C
Storage temperature Tstg :-40 to +125°C
Mounting screw torque 5 N·m
Weight 800 g